Athlete Spotlight: Bree Cellone

Athlete Spotlight: Bree Cellone

Welcome to the first edition of the DuraBand Athlete Spotlight! This weekly blog series will feature a new DuraBand athlete highlighting what motivates them in fitness and health as well as tips on what others can do to expand their own fitness.

This week we interviewed Bree Cellone from Pittsburgh, PA!

Hello Bree! Tell us what makes you passionate about fitness.

I’m passionate about fitness because I make it a part of my everyday life whether it’s going to the gym or just being active outside.

Do you/did you play any particular sports?

I used to be a figure skater.

How long have you been interested in staying fit and healthy?

I got seriously interested in staying fit about five years ago.

How do you stay motivated to keep pushing?

I honestly love working out and when I’m having a down day I just tell myself how good I’ll feel after I finish my workout.

What is your diet like?

I try to eat healthy Monday through Friday and on the weekends I enjoy unhealthy foods.

What 3 exercises have contributed the most to building your physique?

Leg kick backs, lateral raises, and running.

What is the most common training question that people ask you?

How do I eat so much ice cream and stay fit? Haha!

What are your plans for the future?

To become a Diagnostic medical sonographer and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Is there any advice you would give to people just starting their fitness journey?

Be patient and keep working toward your goals.

Stay tuned every week for Athlete Spotlight!